Ok. So February 4th was kind of a long day. I woke up around 5 am with contractions about 10 mins. apart. I was so happy that labor was actually starting! Then I woke up Paul around 6 am when Camryn woke up so that I could get in the shower. By this point my contractions were coming about every 5 mins! I thought that this time labor was going to be quick, but I was so wrong! After about 45 mins of contractions coming every 5 mins they went back to every 10 mins. Then they kept coming every 10 mins... all day... until I finally needed something different to happen and I called my midwife at 4:30. All day my contractions were getting more intense and I was really feeling them in my back and even the tops of my legs, but they just weren't getting closer together! (very frustrating) Anyway, so I went into the clinic and my midwife said that I was at about 5 cm and I could go into the hospital if I was ready to. Yes. Yes, I was VERY ready! At this point I was so exhausted that I decided if I was going to have any energy to push I was going to need some rest and relief, so I decided to go ahead and get an epidural. I was very happy that I did! I got the epidural around 7 pm and I was finally able to sleep a little. Then by about 10 pm I was all ready to push! Dane did get a little stuck as he was facing the wrong way, but once he flipped into place he came right on out! Dane was born at 11:02 pm at 8 lbs 8 oz and 20.5 in. Everyone was shocked at how big he was! We were all expecting a baby about the same size as Camryn, but Dane came at least a pound and a half bigger than we thought.
Here he is! Brand New!
Family photo time!
Big boy!
So far Dane has shown to be a very chill baby. It isn't hard for him to relax at all!
Here he is back at home! We are all so glad to be back home and to have our little family together! Camryn doesn't seem very interested in Dane yet, as she just looks at him and then goes and does something else. But she does get a great smile on her face when she does look at him! I feel so blessed to have two beautiful, healthy, happy children. I love them SO MUCH!!! It is going to be crazy at our house for the next little bit, but I gladly welcome the changes and our new little man! Welcome home Dane! We love you!

Congrats Kelltie! I'm sorry your labour took so long, but glad that he arrived healthy and safe. He looks cute! Hope everything goes well in the next couple of weeks. :)
He is so cute!! Thanks for posting!! I sure hope that you can get some rest and everything goes well for you guys. We sure love you!!
Well he looks like Paul.. I am so happy for you. I am glad you posted more pictures. Paul take care of Kelltie and your little family.
What a sweet baby! Congratulations.
Congrats! Great pictures! He is super cute!
I think it is funny that Camryn isn't too interestsed in her brother just yet. I imagine that is how June will be.
Sorry that labor had to last for so long, but I'm glad you had an epidural. Everything turned out great though. Your little man is very handsome!
Congratulations from the Aase family, I am glad everything went so smoothly
You know...this really ticks me off! I had been checking your blog every day for like two weeks waiting for the little guy to come...then my computer broke and I haven't been able to get online for about 5 days. OF COURSE he came when I was unable to check it out daily! He is darling and I am so in love with the name Dane. So cute and so chubby! I love that your little body pops out big babies! Nice work girl! Hope all is well at home.
Congrats! He is absolutely beautiful!
So glad to hear everything went well. He's very cute! Looking at his pictures makes me excited to meet my own new little guy in a couple of weeks (although I hope mine comes a little faster!).
You SHOWERED and got ready when you were in labor? I'm just sitting here shaking my head. Good for you.
he is absolutely beautiful!!! I think he looks a ton like Paul! I am so glad that he came and everything was just perfect! I hope you are feeling better!
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