Camryn is such a fun girl! Everyday she surprises me with something new. She has been really good with having a new baby at home too. She does get a
little frustrated when I can't come and do whatever she wants when I'm nursing Dane, but other than that she seems to quite like Dane. It is pretty cute to watch her try to imitate me and help me with taking care of Dane. My favorite is her trying to help burp him. Camryn is really turning into a little girl. It is crazy to me. I love that her vocabulary is growing and we can somewhat communicate. Most of her words that she can say are kinda odd ones though. One that I think is the funniest is that she doesn't use Dad, but rather she calls Paul by his name. I guess I need to refer to him as Dad all the time. Anyway, I'm super thankful to have such a cutie for a daughter! Here are some pictures of her silliness!

Love this girl!
You have a super cute little girl! I'm glad we had girls first. They are so cute and motherly.
I agree with Cammie - she is such a cute girl!! I love when they start talking with there little voices!! The picture with the lid of the sippy cup is funny!
Camryn is adorable. Little girls are wonderful. I love watching kids grow and learn. Everyday is amazing
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