Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Twilight Movie

Alright. So I've become quite a fan of the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. That is probably an understatement. I have become a HUGE and a little obsessed fan... Anyways. I am SO excited about all the stuff coming out this year. In May Stephenie has a new book coming out called The Host and in August the last book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, is coming out. Then in December the movie Twilight is coming out!!!!!!!! So I have just saw this morning that they released pictures of the cast!!! I was SO EXCITED that I had to share it with all of you that read this little blog. I hope you enjoy! And if you are a Twilight enthusiast like myself, I hope that you will share your thoughts!!!

Check out Stephenie's site! http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight_movie.html


Caroline Marshall said...

I am so glad that you put pictures of the whole "family" of vampires up. I hadn't seen those yet. Edward is the guy who plays Cedric in Harry Potter isn't he?!? I am glad that we can be vampire fans together!!!

Cammie said...

I am SO excited for this movie!!!!

Erin said...

OK Kelltie, you are going to have to introduce me to this whole "Twilight" series. I have heard so much about it,.. isn't the author from BYU? I'm always down for a good book, and obsession for that matter. I may have to borrow your books.