I can't believe that Camryn is 4 months already!!! I'm sure that I am going to be saying that I can't believe it for the rest of her life too. So we went to the doctor today and Camryn is doing wonderfully! She weighed in at 13 lbs 4.5 oz and is 24 in long. So she is just about in the 50th percentile for height and weight. Of course the worst part of her visit was getting shots. I have to say, I think she did rather well considering, but it is never fun to watch. Camryn is getting so big it seems, but as she is growing it is fun to see her developing too! She is getting so good at playing with her toys and she grabs everything! Also she is chewing on everything too! This weekend we are going to try giving her rice cereal for the first time! I am so excited and happy to see Camryn growing and happy!

Camryn loves hitting her toys. It is pretty funny to watch. Her arms almost seem like they have minds of their own!
Camryn really is getting all grown up. She is just a doll and I love those crazy arms!!
June just turned 6 months old today. We went to the doctor and she weighs 13 lbs exactly and is 25 in long. She is kind of a tiny thing, but we love her all the same.
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