Well...it has been a while. I know! I've just been super busy! Since my last post I feel like a lot has gone on, but now that I try to recall what exactly we've been up to... I can't remember. (I'm blaming it on pregnancy) We went to the fair, we went out to Ohio for Paul's 10 year reunion, Paul has been doing major work on the basement, and since September 1st I've been done nannying. I know there is other stuff, but I just can't remember. We also have some exciting things coming up! Tomorrow we get to find out what we are having at our ultrasound appointment, so we are super excited about that!!! And Paul is getting ready to start a new job! We are thrilled with all the change that is going on and are ready to take on the next adventure!
On a side note, Camryn and I had a great time at Super Target this morning. Camryn was very pleased that I would let her have a snack in the cart! She was so cute holding it on her own and taking a puff out one at a time.

But... after about 15 minutes of her being so good and cute, Camryn waited till I turned around and then dumped the entire container out in her lap and all over the middle of the aisle. It was a great moment. Needless to say, I was a little bit embarrassed. Oh the joys of a one year old. You can't help but love them!