Monday, December 14, 2009

I Don't Know Where The Time Goes

I just saw that it has been about 5 weeks since I posted on my blog! I really just don't know where the time goes. Its almost Christmas! Dane and Camryn have grown so much. They are becoming pretty good buddies. Sometimes they can play so nice together and then... well one of them ends up crying. But they still have fun together!
Dane is moving all over the place! He is SO FAST too! I tried taking this picture of Camryn and Dane sitting so nice together and as you can see he was just about all the way over to me before I could take it!

Dane is a great eater too! I had to include both these pictures. He is just SO CUTE!

My three babies are great buddies!
Sometimes I think the kids really wear Max out and he has to find a cozy place to take a nap!


Jenny said...

Your kids are adorable. Love the picture of Dane with the spaghetti sauce all over his face. Max does look pooped out!! Your kids have the cutest smiles!!

Randall Seeley said...

Cute kids! I can't believe how much they've grown in just a month!

Brittney said...

So cute Kelltie. Your kids look so much like you when you were little. it is neat

Caroline said...

They are both so sweet. I'm glad they are buddies, I hope mine turn out the same way.

Cammie said...

I don't know how I missed this post! So cute! I'm so jelous Dane eats so well for you! Tell him to teach Kaleb.

K said...

those moments of food covered cheeks are my FAAAVORITE! You have the cutest little fam!

Cammie said...

P.S. Jane has those same pink and brown pj's