Monday, October 19, 2009

Couple Catch Up Pictures...

Camryn had a little playdate with her buddy Hannah. They were having a great time banging, I mean, playing on the piano.
Camryn + Cupcakes = Mess
Camryn seems to think that when Dane gets his bottle, she needs a drink too. It is pretty cute. The two of them snuggle up next to eachother.
Dane and Camryn actually playing together. And Max feeling the need to be involved.
It was really hard to get a picture of Camryn in my shoes. She just moved to fast!
Dane and Paul hanging out. Playing games. You know, guy stuff.


Cammie said...

So cute! I love Camryn in your shoes!

Jenny said...

Dane looks like Camyrn in that last picture. He is growing up fast. What cute kids!! I love that picture of Camryn with your shoes. Those are some pretty awesome shoes!!